The Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) is a federated system that measures and reports on the capabilities of the armed forces to deploy a specific mission at any given time. DRRS is used as a critical planning tool for all levels of the US Military, from the Generals determining how to execute a mission, to a single deployed unit determining who will be driving the Humvee that day. In order to see a high level of readiness, all of the distinct DRRS platforms used by units and branches role into the Defense Readiness Reporting System - Strategic (DRRS-S). The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Joint Staff use this data aggregation to set high level strategy. However, data integration challenges across the DRRS increases the latency between what is happening in the field and the data that the top commanders have access to. The complexity of the system and data used by the OSD makes visibility into the most important missions challenging.
With the 2019 reauthorization of the National Defense Authorization Act, Congress mandated that the underlying structure of DRRS-S had to change to handle a more complete and up-to-date view of the across the US Military. With Stardog, DRRS-S can seamlessly integrate data coming from disparate DRRS (ie, the Navy uses different reporting systems than the Army), tapping into existing systems without having to change the reporting practices and policies already in place on the front lines. The OSD can make better decisions based on a more accurate picture of the readiness of the armed forces.