The Stardog Blog
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Enable anyone to ask any question of any data and get accurate, timely, and hallucination-free answers—immediately. Check out the details.
Stardog Voicebox is an hallucination-free, fast, accurate AI Data Assistant that has a special sweet spot: needle-in-a-haystack and path question answering for diverse enterprise data.
Accelerate supply chain visibility using the power of using Stardog’s Generative AI powered by a knowledge graph with Databricks. Manufacturing organizations can conduct quality event forensics to quickly identify problems and improve customer outcomes.
BARQ is our new columnar OLAP graph query engine that’s up to 9x faster.
Our private GPU cloud facility, SKATHE, for full stack control of Voicebox in regulated industries.
How Semantic Parsing (SP) addresses all four major LLM design problems.
How Financial Services can safely leverage GenAI to improve business.
How we use LLM agents inside Voicebox to unleash human creativity and agency through the power of automation
Safety RAG (SRAG) is how we get to 100% hallucination-free answers.
Radical versus Pragmatic AI: Stardog is in the pragmatic faction, focused on better GenAI outcomes for the enterprise
LLMs are machines for telling people (and other machines) what to say do next. Making them a part of ongoing streams of conversation is the key to using AI successfully.
The current rage for RAG in LLMs and GenAI is a very dumb idea for regulated enterprises. DO NOT DO THIS.
The Databricks DI Platform, built on lakehouse architecture, coupled with Stardog as a semantic layer, provides a robust and scalable alternative to tedious and brittle traditional approaches to matching patient records.
In our previous post we answered the question how Stardog uses AI by explaining our use of Hybrid AI with LLM to build, manage, and query knowledge graphs with ordinary language. The question today goes the other way around; how does AI use Stardog, that is, how does enterprise generative AI use an enterprise knowledge graph?
Voicebox, our LLM-powered knowledge engineer, accelerates time to value by making it easier to build and query knowledge graphs, but we haven’t yet said much about how it works. In this blog I will explain the high-level design of Voicebox, including how we use LangChain.