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Data is your new currency
Turn data into a strategic asset. Join the ranks of banks building data-driven solutions with Stardog.
Demands for data access have never been higher. With Stardog, financial institutions can build a single platform to gain a comprehensive view of firmwide parties, transactions, accounts, exposures, and various interrelated risks in order to power a range of use cases from regulatory compliance to Customer 360 to fraud detection.
We can provide a holistic view of a customer and manage risk across multiple silos — we used to have an army of Excel ninjas to do this stuff. Even in regulatory programs, we can be an authoritative source of data.”
Senior Director & Architecture Fellow, Top 15 US BankAdapt to changing regulatory and compliance demands
SR-14, GDPR, MiFID II, FSB2013b, FR Y-9C, CCAR, BCBS 239. Each new regulation demands visibility into firm and market information, requires provisioning data to regulators, and comes with high legal stakes. Stardog meets these compliance challenges by providing the detailed data lineage, flexible data modeling, and performance capabilities required to satisfy regulators at enterprise scale.
Proactively manage IT assets to minimize risk
Stardog represents the reality of your IT landscape so you can build more resilient systems. An IT asset management knowledge graph provides insight into how all assets are related so you can identify single points of failure, determine blast radius of theoretical incidents, and understand business processes. Unifying IT assets with the data they have access to can uncover dependencies between sources and facilitate risk and resiliency analysis.
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Improve ITAM by turning information into the real asset
Improve firmwide data management
The rate of new regulations is increasing. Marketing requests are becoming more sophisticated. Analytical reporting needs are constantly changing. Get ahead of the curve with Stardog. Unifying company data creates as a foundation for faster response to data requests, better results when authoritative data is required, and reduced time spent on reporting and compliance.
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Data Fabric
Catch bad actors and prevent fraud
Attempting to connect the dots and identify fraudulent behavior among a sea of disparate sources is a manual and time-intensive task. Speed and accuracy are what counts. Stardog connects data and finds once-hidden relationships across your internal systems so analysts have a single interface from which they can investigate data and draw definitive conclusions.
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Follow this tutorial to learn how to detect fraud with Stardog
Provide a 360-degree customer view
One of your biggest assets is your customer data. To drive digital transformation, you need to promote standardization and improved context across customer data. Stardog helps you build a unified view of customer data resulting in improved data context and quality, enhanced analytical capabilities, and increased searchability and discoverability of customer data.
Collaborate with ease
Go ahead and let teams define terms differently — with Stardog you can analyze multiple models over the same data
Uncover hidden connections
Our Pathfinder uncovers distant, indirect links across data sources, enabling sophisticated fraud detection
Enriched metadata
Unifying data that has been repeated across sources also associates relevant metadata
Plays well with others
Stardog easily connects with ontologies like FIBO, custom developed solutions, and existing infrastructure