A Stardog App in 5 Easy Steps
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Stardog makes the Enterprise Knowledge Graph fast and easy. We’re going to build a Java app that talks to Stardog’s RDF graph database in 5 easy steps.
The first thing that we need to do is download and install Stardog. We will use Linux. OS X would be very similar. If you would like to install on Windows, the instructions are available.
Download Stardog here. Then unzip to a
destination directory. We’re using /data/stardog
Next we tell Stardog where its home directory is.
$ export STARDOG_HOME=/data/stardog
Copy stardog-license-key.bin
into that location:
$ cp stardog-license-key.bin $STARDOG_HOME
Start the Stardog server.
$ /data/stardog/bin/stardog-admin server start
Test that Stardog is running by
visiting http://localhost:5820/
. Or you can do
this instead:
$ stardog-admin server status
Now let’s setup Gradle. Stardog components and subsystems are modular, so we can
use just the parts we need. For this post, we will start with a basic Gradle
configuration and add as we go. In this example we are just connecting to
Stardog over HTTP and the only dependency that we need is
. The build.gradle
is as follows:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'application'
group 'com.stardog.examples'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
maven { url "http://maven.stardog.com" }
dependencies {
// Core Dependencies
compile ('com.complexible.stardog:client-http:4.2.4')
mainClassName = "com.stardog.examples.StardogClient"
Be honest: this is pretty simple stuff.
We have Stardog installed and Gradle configured. Let’s start building our database. The first thing is to create a connection to Stardog. This will allow us to perform administrative actions such as creating a new database, adding/removing data, etc.
We will use the AdminConnectionConfiguration
utility to create the connection.
In the code snippet below, we create the AdminConnectionConfiguration
specifying the server URL and user credentials. In this case, we are using the
default values—
Once connected, we will print out available databases, search for the database we are about to create (just in case the code was run before), and create the database on disk.
* Creates a connection to the DBMS itself so we
* can perform some administrative actions.
public static void createAdminConnection() {
try (final AdminConnection aConn = AdminConnectionConfiguration.toServer(url)
.credentials(username, password)
.connect()) {
// A look at what databases are currently in Stardog
aConn.list().forEach(item -> System.out.println(item));
// Checks to see if the 'myNewDB' is in Stardog. If it is, we are
// going to drop it so we are starting fresh
if (aConn.list().contains(to)) {aConn.drop(to);}
// Convenience function for creating a persistent
// database with all the default settings.
Next it’s time to import data and run queries against it. We need to create a
connection ConnectionPool
. The ConnectionConfiguration
will tell the pool
how to create the new connections. We then pass the ConnectionConfiguration
the ConnectionPoolConfig
as it is the basis of the pool.
We can also provide additional detail about the pool such as min/max pool size, expiration, and block wait time. We then create the pool and return so we can start using it.
ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig = ConnectionConfiguration
.credentials(username, password);
// creates the Stardog connection pool
ConnectionPool connectionPool = createConnectionPool(connectionConfig);
* Now we want to create the configuration for our pool.
* @param connectionConfig the configuration for the connection pool
* @return the newly created pool which we will use to get our Connections
private static ConnectionPool createConnectionPool
(ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig) {
ConnectionPoolConfig poolConfig = ConnectionPoolConfig
.expiration(expirationTime, expirationTimeUnit)
.blockAtCapacity(blockCapacityTime, blockCapacityTimeUnit);
return poolConfig.create();
After we get a Stardog connection, we will use it to populate our database.
Changes to a database must occur within a transaction; i.e., begin
followed by
or rollback
. Changes are not visible to others until the transaction
is committed or until you perform a query operation to inspect the state of the
database within the transaction.
We will use begin
and commit
for import. Below is a snippet of that data
that we are importing followed by the code to import it. As you can see we
perform the begin, add the data by importing the file, and finally commit the
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
:incredibleHulk rdf:type foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Robert Bruce Banner"^^xsd:string ;
foaf:title "Incredible Hulk"^^xsd:string ;
foaf:givenname "Robert"^^xsd:string ;
foaf:family_name "Banner"^^xsd:string ;
foaf:knows :captainAmerica, :blackWidow, :thor, :ironMan .
Adding the data is easy, too.
// first start a transaction. This will generate the contents of
// the databse from the N3 file.
// declare the transaction
.stream(new FileInputStream("src/main/resources/marvel.rdf"));
// and commit the change
Since we have a populated database we will use the obtained Stardog connection
to query. We first create the SPARQL select statement and store it in the
. We then execute the query and store the result set in the
object. The result set can be used for many different
purposes. We are just going to print it to the console using QueryResultIO
// Query the database to get our list of Marvel superheroes
// and print the results to the console
SelectQuery query = connection.select("PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
select * { ?s rdf:type foaf:Person }");
TupleQueryResult tupleQueryResult = query.execute();
TextTableQueryResultWriter.FORMAT, System.out);
And the results:
| s |
| http://api.stardog.com/incredibleHulk |
| http://api.stardog.com/captainAmerica |
| http://api.stardog.com/blackWidow |
| http://api.stardog.com/thor |
We can add and remove data using the API statements feature. Just like the
initial data import transaction, we will use the begin and commit options to
update the database. We add IronMan
to the list of superheroes and then we
will remove all references to CaptainAmerica
As you can see in the add, we have IronMan
as the subject for all the
statements while using different FOAF objects for the predicate and either a
FOAF object, literal, or another superhero as the object. In the remove
statement, we are removing all instances where CaptainAmerica
is either the
subject or the object.
// first start a transaction - This will add
// Tony Stark A.K.A Iron Man to the database
// declare the transaction
.statement(IronMan, RDF.TYPE, FOAF.PERSON)
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.NAME, literal("Anthony Edward Stark"))
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.TITLE, literal("Iron Man"))
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.GIVEN_NAME, literal("Anthony"))
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.FAMILY_NAME, literal("Stark"))
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.NICK, literal("Tony"))
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.KNOWS, BlackWidow)
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.KNOWS, CaptainAmerica)
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.KNOWS, Thor)
.statement(IronMan, FOAF.KNOWS, IncredibleHulk);
// and commit the change
// Query the database again to see if any of Thor's friends
// are not listed in the database and print the results to the console.
// There should be no results in the query since we added Iron Man.
query = connection.select("PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
select * {<http://api.stardog.com/thor> foaf:knows ?o .\n" +
" filter not exists {?o rdf:type foaf:Person . } \n" +
" } ");
tupleQueryResult = query.execute();
TextTableQueryResultWriter.FORMAT, System.out);
// first start a transaction - this will remove
// Captain America from the list where he is either the subject or the object
// declare the transaction
.statements(CaptainAmerica, null, null)
.statements(null, null, CaptainAmerica);
// and commit the change
If we run the query to get the list of Marvel superheroes we can see the results. The updated query result set is now:
| s |
| http://api.stardog.com/incredibleHulk |
| http://api.stardog.com/blackWidow |
| http://api.stardog.com/thor |
| http://api.stardog.com/ironMan |
Finally, we must remember to release the connection that we obtained to perform our tasks and shutdown the connection pool.
I showed you how to install Stardog on a Linux environment, create an administration connection in order to perform administrative actions, create a connection pool to the database, and use a connection from the pool to perform transactions and queries.
In my next post I’ll expand on more of the features that Stardog has to offer as well as provide an example on how to wire a Stardog client using Spring. The full version of the code we’ve discussed here is in the stardog-examples repo on Github.
451 Research says adoption of Knowledge Graph technology is on the rise. Read the report.
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