
Forbes Features Stardog's Kendall Clark As Innovative Founding CEO

Oct 25, 2023

Kendall Clark is on his second career. Up until the age of 27 he was an academic having gone to school for years to attain his PhD in philosophy. And while he enjoyed the life of an academic philosopher, it didn’t pay the bills. He thought programming was a good alternative and went back to school get his masters degree.

He got his first proper job in 2002 building a website. In working on a project for a large realty company, he realised that data was the real key to building websites, but also that pulling data together from various sources was a huge challenge. And that challenge led him to become an entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Stardog to solve that problem.

“The founding idea came around for the fact that I realised on that day that big companies, what we call the enterprise, did not have all of their data in one system. And when I say it like that, it sounds horribly naive, but I’m just being honest. I just had this idea that there’s one company, all your data is in one place, why would you do it any other way,” says Clark.

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