Importing, Exploring, and Exporting your Data with Stardog Studio
The latest release of Stardog Studio includes three new features geared toward helping you import, explore, and export your data more easily: CSV Import, Data Exploration, and Data Export.
Studio Learns New Tricks
We’ve added three new language intelligence features to Stardog Studio to make it even easier for you to work with Stardog using GraphQL, SPARQL, and virtual graphs.
Studio SHACL Released
As of v1.9.0 (July 11, 2019), Stardog Studio supports the W3C standard Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL)! This support includes language intelligence for SHACL, the ability to add SHACL constraints to Stardog and validate your data against those constraints, and more.
Language Servers for Everybody
At Stardog, we’re all about making it easy to unify data. That’s why we’ve just open sourced a set of tools to make working with Stardog even easier than before.
Stardog React: 5 Easy Steps
Stardog makes the Enterprise Knowledge Graph easy for front-end developers. Let’s see how React looks in front of Stardog.
Studio Performance
Performance in Stardog Studio matters a lot. Here are some of our secrets.