Stardog Knowledge Kits: Your Path to Mastery in Knowledge Graphs
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Whether you’re a data engineer, an ontologist, or simply someone curious about the power of data, it can be very hard to get started with a knowledge graph, learn its specific concepts, and build your own model.
Until you find Stardog Knowledge Kits.
These pre-built databases are designed to get you started quickly with contextualized models and data sets of different industries and domains.
In this article, you’ll understand the three types of Knowledge Kits offered by Stardog, their use cases, and how to access them. Spoiler alert: they are all free!
With a demo Knowledge Kit, you can learn the foundations of knowledge graphs by browsing different models populated with dummy data.
These demos are industry-related (e.g. healthcare, insurance, and C360 use cases) or representative of pop culture universes (e.g. Star Wars and Superheroes).
You can access a demo Knowledge Kit with four easy steps:
Once in Explorer, you’ll be able to browse any instance of your demo Knowledge Kit. You can also right-click them to see their details and expand their relationships with other instances of the graph.
After exploring the model, don’t forget to check out Explorer’s Query Builder, which allows you to uncover insights by querying classes, relationships, and attributes in a no-code, visual tool.
Note that Stardog supports Virtual Graphs. With them, your query is always based on the most up-to-date information from each data source - a key factor in seamlessly unifying your company’s data.
You can also use demo Knowledge Kits to explore the power of reasoning in a knowledge graph. Reasoning enables Stardog’s Inference Engine, which associates related information to infer new connections.
For example: in the Insurance Risk and Underwriting Demo, the claim Damaged Roofs, caused by event 2021-03-02 (type: Hurricane), is set as rejected when reasoning is enabled because it was made against policy 101948045, which excludes the event type Hurricane.
Tutorial Knowledge Kits are hands-on guides created to help you master specific knowledge graph concepts, such as:
You can access them by following these steps:
In the SPARQL tutorial, for example, you’ll learn how to build SPARQL queries in Studio using a pre-installed music dataset.
This tutorial covers an introduction to SPARQL, Shortest Path Queries, and SPARQL Query Forms, with several example queries that you can copy and paste into Studio:
The data set and data model Knowledge Kits were created to help you build your knowledge graph faster, without having to start from scratch.
First, make sure you have installed the desired kit:
In the Jira Knowledge Kit, for example, you’ll find a model containing core concepts such as Issue, Board, and Epic, and some data created from a sample Kanban project in Jira.
Then, in Designer, you can add this model and create your own knowledge graph based on it:
Extra tip: you can add the model of any Knowledge Kit in Designer, including demos and tutorials. To do that, simply install the desired kit into your database and click on “Add a model”, as represented in the GIF above.
Ready to practice? Then create your free Stardog Cloud account, access our Knowledge Kits landing page, and choose the kit that matches your goal. See you there!
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