This advanced-level training teaches performance within Stardog, including data load and query performance. Learn how Stardog uses memory, how to monitor metrics, server settings, and options for performing data loads. Understand how to enable self-diagnosis of a performance issue, how query execution is performed, and how to best identify query performance problems. The training will conclude with an overview of tools and query examples.
This advanced-level training reviews how to make implicit information explicit through the use of reasoning, and how to unveil this information. You’ll learn how reasoning helps derive new facts or inferences from the existing dataset based on definitions in the data model and a set of applicable rules. By the end of this training, you’ll understand the benefits of logical reasoning and how to perform reasoning and query execution within Stardog.
Working with Text
This advanced-level training teaches working with text within Stardog and how to integrate and query unstructured data. Review how to use the full text search feature within Stardog, and how to leverage and extend Stardog’s full text search feature. By the end of this training, you will understand how to turn text into information for querying and linking.
High Availability
This advanced-level training covers Clustering for High Availability. The training explains the elements of a Stardog cluster and teaches how to build a Stardog cluster with ZooKeeper and a load balancer. The trainer will show you how standby and cache nodes work with examples and review setting up a cache node for a Virtual Graph.