Conventional Data Integration is No Longer Sufficient
The original premise of data integration was focused on the correct goal of unifying data, but its execution was fundamentally flawed in that it sought to consolidate all enterprise data into one physical place. After fifty years of data warehouses and other ETL-based solutions, it’s clear that their promise for fast, complete analysis has fallen short.
7 Questions to Decide if you Should Virtualize or Materialize your Data
Here are questions to help decide if you should virtualize or materialize your data.
Studio Learns New Tricks
We’ve added three new language intelligence features to Stardog Studio to make it even easier for you to work with Stardog using GraphQL, SPARQL, and virtual graphs.
Making Cassandra Sing
Stardog is proud to announce support for Apache Cassandra in Stardog 6.1. Now even more of your enterprise’s NoSQL data is accessible to the Knowledge Graph.
Announcing Stardog 7 beta
We’re happy to announce the beta release of Stardog 7 which comes with a new storage engine that significantly improves write performance.
Native MongoDB Support is Here!
We’re pleased to announce a major new release of Stardog that includes native support for unifying MongoDB data silos in Stardog.
Mapping Denormalized Data
Since we’re adding support for MongoDB in Stardog, it’s time to dive into the details of mapping denormalized data.
Stardog & MongoDB
JSON silos are a liability, too, so as a first step we’re adding support for virtual graphs over MongoDB.
Virtual Graphs in Stardog 5
Stardog 5 features an all-new virtual graph engine with lots of improvements. This post describes them and how they can help you build better knowledge graphs with Stardog.
Virtual Graphs: Relational Data in Stardog Stardog is used to unify relational data sources, it facilitates powerful query and data management features. This post introduces Stardog’s virtual graph feature and explores how to access data from existing relational sources.