The Stardog Voicebox Vision
Enable anyone to ask any question of any data and get accurate, timely, and hallucination-free answers—immediately. Check out the details.
Data-Driven Quality: Change the Game with Knowledge Graphs & Generative AI
Accelerate supply chain visibility using the power of using Stardog’s Generative AI powered by a knowledge graph with Databricks. Manufacturing organizations can conduct quality event forensics to quickly identify problems and improve customer outcomes.
Using Knowledge Graphs to Achieve Operational Resilience
The way to fill the gap between where most organizations’ data systems are today and operational resilience is a broad, reusable data layer that unifies information and identifies relationships between various assets.
Create your Digital Twin with an Enterprise Knowledge Graph
To succeed with a digital twin strategy, you need a machine-understandable model of the business. That’s where an Enterprise Knowledge Graph platform like Stardog comes into play.
XSB Boosts Engineering Productivity with Smart, Connected Documentation
Engineering even a simple product often requires adhering to thousands of pages of specifications stored in PDFs. When specifications change, it can cause a chain reaction that takes weeks or months to resolve.
Data Complexities of Manufacturing
Manufacturing any successful product requires overcoming a lot of logistical barriers. Stardog is a great way to make sure your data isn’t one of them.
Manufacturing Knowledge
Manufacturing and supply chain use cases love Stardog’s Knowledge Graph platform. Let’s dive in!